Stop Waiting For The Perfect Time to Start, the Time is Now.

Have you ever wanted to do something but then told yourself all the reasons why now is not the right time?

Whether it is start a weight loss program, start a business, write a book, launch a podcast, or start an exercise program.

The reality is that there is never a perfect time for you to take action.
There will always be a reason not to.

I can't tell you how many people have told me they want to start a weight loss program but the time isn't right.
They are too busy, don't have the money, don't have the time, the kids are out of school, it's summer, it's the holidays, you get the idea. It is easy to come up with excuses of why not to get started. But the longer you do that the further away from your goal you are getting.

Too many people live their lives constantly saying they will do something "later".

They have this false security that there will always be tomorrow and so they just continue to procrastinate.

They stay in their comfort zone and never take the step out.

Yet, studies have proven when people look back on their lives the most common regrets are not the risks they took, but the ones they didn’t. One of the most common regrets is failing to seize the moment.

When people reflect later in life, it is the things they did not do that generate the greatest despair.

The first step is always the hardest part. But once you make the decision and actually take that first step, each subsequent step gets easier. The truth is that you can do anything, but you have to go for it first.

Fear is normal, but I have found that much of the fear is made up in our minds.

The actual act is often much less scary than what our minds have made it out to be.

So, remember this…..

There will never be a perfect time for anything.

It simply doesn't exist.

Stop waiting for everything to be just right and get started now.

Take that first step.

What is the alternative?
You can start now and go for it.
Or you can wake up in 20 years and be in the exact same place and have never taken a chance.
What do you think you will regret more?

If you are ready to take action and need some guidance, inspiration or even a nudge, let's chat!
Click here to set up a free 15-minute call with me today!

You can do this and I can help!

Allison Vercelli